See the installation section below for much more.

Many props to the helpful people in my questions thread. There's so much to do here that I can't realistically do all the required research in one session, so I'm keeping here a list of the mods I'd like to install. So, at some point, I'd like to play Oblivion again with a bunch of mods installed, and actually do every side quest I can find and so on like that. On top of that, there are a lot of mods out there, with a lot of annoyances fixed and so on. The other is that because of the auto-levelling of monsters, you never get to have one of my favorite RPG experiences: levelling high enough that you are the master of all you survey and can destroy any petty mortals that happen to cross your path. Two things actually: one is that this game really deserves more than one playthrough.

I've already played Oblivion through once, but I felt like something was missing.